The education offered at St Joseph’s is centred on building an authentic Christian learning community based upon the Catholic tradition.
We are committed to the full development of each child within a rich, positive environment. We encourage each other to explore God’s given gifts and affirm the gifts of others.
Our curriculum is integrated around seven key learning areas:
St Joseph’s Primary follows the Armidale Diocesan Religious Education Curriculum.
Religious education reveals and deepens students’ knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures and of our Catholic Faith Story and Traditions. The development of comprehensive religious literacy enables students to enter more fully into the life of the Church.
Students are invited to respond in action to their learnings and be conscientious and caring citizens who make positive contributions to our local and global communities. Celebration is an important aspect of Religious Education, and the sacraments, prayer and liturgy are integral to the faith life of our school community.

At St Joseph’s, we use evidence-based approaches to teach English.
Students learn to read, write, speak, view and represent language.
They learn about the English language and literature through working with a wide range of spoken, visual, multimedia and digital texts. Students learn how language varies according to context and how to communicate with a range of audiences for different purposes. They learn to read for information and pleasure.
Students gain a sound grasp of language structures, punctuation, spelling, and grammar and learn to think in imaginative, creative, and critical ways.

Mathematics in K–6 focuses on developing students’ mathematical understanding, fluency, communication, reasoning and problem-solving through their study of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.
These capabilities enable students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations, using strategies to make decisions and solve problems relevant to their further education and everyday lives.

Science and Technology develop students’ skills in thinking, investigating and problem-solving. It gives them knowledge and skills in scientific investigation and inquiry, design and applying technologies. Children pose questions, test ideas, and develop and evaluate arguments based on evidence.
Students are given access to a range of devices to further encourage engaging, collaborative and active learning within the classroom. This includes a combination of iPads, the Chromebook Program, Bee Bots, and Makey Makey’s (programmable circuit boards)
We are constantly looking to implement further digital interactive tools to further our students’ understanding of technology
Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE) provides opportunities for students to explore the past and present to develop an understanding of their personal and community identity.
They investigate the interactions between people, places and environments that shape their nation and world. They learn to participate in society as informed, responsible and active citizens.
Creative Arts gives students experiences in the visual arts, music, drama and dance. They have opportunities to explore their creativity in each of these areas.
Students learn to appreciate the meanings and values that each artform offers. They perform and express themselves through the visual arts, music, drama and dance.
We promote the importance of sport as a key learning area in our students physical, social and mental development. Our aim is to provide for involvement in physical activity in a way that promotes immediate and long-term benefits for the children.
It is hoped that these benefits will be observed through high levels of fitness, better health, pleasurable social involvement and the satisfaction derived from a skilled performance at the individual and team level.
A variety of team sports are encouraged and celebrated, depending upon the season. Individual skill development in specific sports areas is provided for in physical education lessons as well as weekly sports sessions.
The school conducts its own swimming and athletics carnivals and cross country trials. Students who qualify at these events will have the opportunity to compete at Diocesan, Polding and State levels. Opportunity for selection in team sports (i.e. soccer, netball, cricket, etc) is also provided through the Armidale Diocesan Sports Council (ADPSC).
Parents and guardians will be notified at the beginning of each term via Compass when Sports day will be held for each class.
Full school sports uniform is to be worn on these days.
If you would like any further information visit NSW Government Parent Guide to the NSW Primary Syllabuses.